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Article: How Stress Affects Your Skin & 11 Ways to Reduce Symptoms

reduce effects of stress on skin

How Stress Affects Your Skin & 11 Ways to Reduce Symptoms

During the craziness of life, we all deal with stressful situations. In addition to internal stress symptoms, stress can wreak havoc on your skin. Many signs of stress can become visible on our skin. These signs include acne, inflammation, rashes, hives, scalp irritation, hair loss, dryness, fine lines, and wrinkles. While we can’t completely eliminate stress, we can reduce its effects.


11 Simple Ways to Reduce the Effects of Stress in Your Life


Make self-care a priority.

Whether running the kids to their activities, prepping for a business meeting, or coaching the school soccer team, we all have busy lives. The key is to schedule some time for yourself to allow for self-care. Self-care doesn’t have to be hours long. Aim to set aside 15-30 minutes a day for some “me time” to decompress after a long day and feel refreshed.


Establish a calming skincare routine.

Another way to reduce stress is to establish a morning and evening skincare routine. Your skincare routine doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. Start with a gentle cleanser to remove dirt and impurities. Next, apply a moisturizer to keep your skin looking supple and hydrated. In the mornings, apply a mineral sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun’s harsh UV rays, and in the evening, apply a thicker night cream to moisturize your skin while you sleep. Feel free to add more steps to suit your needs, but remember that consistency is key with skincare. Plus, establishing a soothing ritual will help you start and end your day on a calmer note.

reduce the effects of stress on skin

Spend some time outdoors.

Breathing in fresh air and spending time outdoors is a huge stress reliever! Take a walk in your neighborhood, or grab a friend and head out on a scenic hike with some pretty views. Not enough time for a walk? Grab your favorite book and spend 15 minutes reading in the sunshine. When you step outside and away from a crazy environment, your body can release stress, and you’ll be able to relax.


Stay hydrated.

Dehydration can cause fogginess, headaches, and fatigue, among other internal symptoms, but it also drastically affects the appearance of our skin. Be sure to drink plenty of water with electrolytes daily so your body and skin stay in tip-top shape. Skin that lacks hydration can become dry, wrinkled, and prone to acne or irritation. Dehydration can also cause dry lips, so keeping your skin moisturized is incredibly important! Moisturizer is great, but hydrating from the inside out is even more important.


Significantly reduce caffeine and alcohol.

While caffeine and alcohol are nice treats occasionally as a pick-me-up or wind down, they aren’t ideal for destressing. Reducing these types of drinks can significantly lower your anxiety levels and reduce stress symptoms. Overuse of caffeine and alcohol can also lead to dehydration.


Try to eat balanced meals.

Our bodies need nutritious foods to stay healthy and strong. We often get so busy with life that we skip meals and consume processed foods to compensate, leading to unhealthy habits and skin breakouts. It can also lead to a poor relationship with food and our bodies. Instead, plan your meals once a week with plenty of protein, fruits, and vegetables. Purchase healthy foods and meal prep, so if you are short on time during the week, you can grab a nutritious meal and go about your busy day. Your body and skin will thank you!


Use natural skincare.

Unfortunately, many store-brand skincare products use ingredients that can cause harm or disrupt our body's natural processes with continual use. By using natural skincare products like the ones at Mumu Bath, you can eliminate unnecessary processed ingredients from your body and reduce stress.

reduce signs of stress on skin

Move your body or destress with yoga.

Exercising several days a week for 30 minutes or more can dramatically reduce stress levels in your body. There is a type of exercise that works for everyone, so feel free to run, take a yoga class, lift weights, walk outside, dance, stand-up paddle board, or swim. It’s all about moving your body to release endorphins, and you feel happy and healthy.


Book a face or body massage.

Massage can be a great way to relax and reduce stress. Schedule a full body or face massage whenever you have the time. It is a great way to work out the knots caused by stress, flushing out the lactic acid buildup in your body. Be sure to drink lots of water afterward to hydrate and flush toxins from your system.


Try a screen time detox.

With the invention of iPhones, most of us can admit we’ve become addicted to screens that are frequently attached to us. However, too much blue light can harm our eyes and skin. Social media may also increase anxiety due to negativity, unrealistic comparisons, and unnecessary drama. By scheduling screen time detoxes, you can reduce stress and spend quality time on more important things.


Hang out (in person) with a good friend.

Conversations and quality time with friends and family are good for the soul! You can share your struggles and joys in life. Studies show in-person conversations are often much more meaningful and help reduce stress. As the old saying goes, laughter truly is one of the best medicines!

how to reduce stress

Relax & Reduce Stress with Mumu Bath Products

While stress is inevitable in each of our lives, it doesn’t have to remain at the forefront, leading to unwanted physical and mental symptoms. Making a few simple changes can significantly reduce stress levels and lead to a happier and healthier lifestyle (and healthier skin, too!).

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